Prayer for the missions
Prayer and Praise Update
from The Andersons (May 2021)
Thank you all for your prayers!
We wanted to reach out and ask for some special prayers for this upcoming week.
Mat has been asked by a family here in Yuendumu to pray and preach at a significant funeral and to share at a memorial service. The man who passed away, Mr. Nelson, was a key figure in this community and a really amazing intercultural man. He was an advocate for Warlpiri people and he didn't stand by when things needed to get done. He has had an amazing impact on this community and it is an honour to be asked to participate in his funeral.
Please pray for Mat. The funeral is being held at the Alice Springs Convention Centre and we suspect that there will be a lot of people there. Mat has the amazing challenge and privilege of presenting a gospel centred, God-honoring message to a crowd which will include many who do not know Jesus.
Thanks also to all of you who have been praying for us to get some help here at home. We are very excited to announce that Melissa from Thornleigh Community Baptist Church is arriving on Wednesday! Please pray for her as she settles in to her new cross-cultural life here. We are so thankful for this much needed help to our family.
In even more thanks and good news, we are totally thrilled to announce that we have team mates joining the Outback work sometime soon! They have just been appointed as candidates and we are so thankful to God for his provision!
We'll have more info on them in the near future.
Prayer Points from Peter B (Feb 2021)
Thank God for the supportive role of shared 3 years of operations for Londua & Bombua schools, and the reasonably smooth separation.
Pray that we will continue to ‘bounce back’ as we re-establish the schools on different islands. Much wisdom and strength is needed in managing the massive upheavals & changes of this year. The challenges of separation include the financial aspects that have started at very low levels for the 2 schools.
Pray for identification of leadership for the handing over of Bombua school at the end of this year, and that the transition of management/administration over the next 12 months can be achieved smoothly.
Pray for my health which is facing a bit of a battering, that I may continue to manage the many challenges of development of a new school this year.
A supportive staff, here at Bombua, is emerging, supporting those who have had to patiently wait for salary with the separation.
A strong core of Year 10 girls is showing as they express their strong Christian faith in many ways. Pray that they may take the school, with the Holy Spirit, to new levels of spiritual development and growth of God’s Kingdom.
Pray for the settling in of the 2021 classes, and that we can manage with the enrolments that come – despite the limitations of facilities, desks etc. The transition back to a Boarding school for many new students is not always an easy road with separation from families, new experiences of Vanuatu life in a new environment different from home, and the challenges of weather etc.
Pray for continued development of both schools with their facilities, management, and future plans – School Council, Administration, Teachers & Ancillary staff, and students.